The Animals
B/W Photos by Zoo Studios, Woodbridge, CT

Our Dogs
Our sweet “Molly-Polly” is an exceptional Therapy Dog, who is loved by so many of our clients! Molly and Maggie are a mix of a black lab, terrier, cattle dog, and beagle! Molly’s gentle, relaxed, quiet, black lab genes really shine through, as she’s just so laid-back with clients. Now, don’t be fooled by Molly’s quiet working nature, as she loves her hikes and absolutely LOVES playing ball in the open fields or the water! While playing in the water, Molly literally leaps up into the air, so she can dive into the water and retrieve her stick or ball – it’s her favorite game! Molly is extremely devoted to her family and just wants to be wherever you are!
Maggie is a fun-loving, energetic, athletic, and extremely affectionate Therapy Dog! Maggie has a fantastic life filled with daily hikes, excellent nutrition, and endless amounts of love! Maggie (and her sister, Molly) were found abandoned in a West Virginia Coal Mine at 6 weeks old. They traveled up from the South and came to a foster home here in CT, where we instantly fell in-love and adopted both girls! Maggie is a devoted, loyal girl, who loves her family and enjoys lots of recreation time balanced with her work as a Therapy Dog.
Our sweet Winnie arrived from Houston, TX on March 21, 2015. She is a Poodle/ Dachshund/Yorkie mix. She is about 5 years old now. She had a rough start in life, and was very traumatized and shy when she arrived, but has decided she really loves her new life in Connecticut! She loves all her family pack members and her job as a therapy dog.
Winnie particularly enjoys working with the elderly population and our private clients.​
Chewie came to us as a year-old rescue in February 2017. Our intent was to train and place him as an emotional support dog, but during his training, it was easy to see that he is an exceptional therapy dog. He is wonderful with all ages from little children or our elderly clients After much consideration, we decided to keep him and have him join our AaTs team! Once afraid of water, he is now an avid swimmer and loves to play fetch at the beach. He has become a confident boy and loves his new family!
Ruby Sue, "Susie"
Ruby Sue, better known as Susie, is a two year old King Charles Cavalier Spaniel. She came to us as a rescue from Oklahoma, February 2023. She was a puppy mill "Mama" having had several litters prior to her rescue.
Susie was one of three pups that came in the group, two of which had suffered broken jaws prior to their arrival at the rescue. She was extremely thin and very shy and scared, but she has really turned around now that she is safe and happy! She absolutely loves her canine family and snuggles with each of our dogs!
She is learning that her job as a therapy dog is really pretty cool...and she loves the treats!...especially cheese bites!!
Martha is a very special Grey Merle Golden Doodle who came to us in April, 2023. She is also a puppy mill rescue from Lancaster, PA and had several litters by the time she was two years old. She was very thin and scared when she came to u, but look at her now!
Since we had just adopted Susie, the rescue was hesitant to let us take her in April. Her foster mother really loved what we do at AaTs and went to battle for us because she thought Martha would be an outstanding therapy dog with her easy-going gentle nature and we couldn't agree more!
Martha loves living on the farm and particularly enjoys interacting with the horses. She has gone from a sad, serious dog to a playful Doodle in no time!
Our Little Guys
Bentley was donated to AaTs by a family who clearly had taken good care of him and handled him frequently. He is naturally friendly and curious and has made a wonderful therapy bunny, often working with young children. He loves taking walks in his stroller and especially enjoys visiting colleges during "finals" week to ease anxiety for college students.
Porsche is also a rescue from Hop Along Hollow as several of our bunnies have been. We adopted her specifically to be a companion for Bentley, but she has turned out to be a real "Sweetie" and a great therapy bunny, too!
She and Bentley are inseparable and they attend most events and appointments together.
Our Therapy Angels
approximately 8 years old. May, 2021
Monday is our “Bronx Boy,” as he was found wandering the streets of the Bronx in NYC. He is a New Yorker through and through, as he’s outgoing, curious, super funny and a friend to everyone! While visiting Hop Along Hollow, an Animal Rescue in Norwalk, CT, we just instantly fell in love with Monday. He's such a cuddly, loving boy who absolutely loves to be pet. In fact, he will often hop over to you and assume his “I want pets” position right next to you! If you come to visit Monday while he’s in his habitat, he will often show off his toys for you by throwing them up in the air and then retrieving them for you! You must always keep an eye on Monday, as he toddles after you everywhere as he loves to get into everything! Stroller rides are one of his favorite activities, as he pokes his head out to see where he’s going – our curious boy! Monday especially loves working in schools and visiting classrooms with all the children.
approximately 8 years old. July 2021
Tuesday is the sweetest, gentlest, most dainty rabbit we know! An unbelievable snuggler and cuddler, who will often talk to you through her cute, grunting noises! Tuesday had a rough start, as she was found in Brooklyn, NY with horrible burns on her sweet face. Luckily, Tuesday received immediate medical attention at Hop Along Hollow, where her wounds healed beautifully. However, Tuesday has a permanent scar in her left eye from the burns, and we call it her “Badge of Courage.” Tuesday absolutely loves her breakfast and dinner salads, as she comes hopping at a very fast pace to dive into her delicious meals! In addition, Tuesday loves constructing her cardboard houses in her habitat. In watching Tuesday work, it’s clear that she prefers an “open concept” build, as she constructs her open doorways and windows in each of her boxes! At nighttime, when it’s very quiet, you can hear her sweet snoring, as she goes into a restful sleep from her busy day as a Therapy Rabbit!
approximately 6 years old. March, 2021
“Queen B,” as we call our Brownie, has truly earned her title as “The Queen!” Brownie was donated to our Organization in August 2019. At 2.5 pounds, Brownie reigns over ALL of our Therapy Animals! Never have you met such an interactive, loving, funny, bold, energetic and charismatic animal! Brownie wins over every heart, including those that may not want to warm up to a guinea pig! Let us tell you, she’ll change your mind, as she truly talks to you, looks for you, and waits for you day and night! Brownie lives and breathes for her breakfast and dinner salads! From the moment she hears you rise in the morning, you will hear her “Wheek, Wheek, Wheek,” throughout the house! Also, she’s always paying attention to that salad drawer in the refrigerator and the cutting board on the counter that could be cutting up her vegetables as we speak! Brownie loves to be held and cuddled, and will “purr” while in your arms. In fact, she so loves to be involved in all that you do that we carry her around in a papoose! Brownie is just a truly exceptional Therapy Guinea Pig!
approximately 4 years old. December, 2021
Blondie is the cuddliest girl, as she will stay in your arms content and happy for hours! Truly, if you have hours to give, she’ll take them! We’re not sure how Blondie (and her sister, Cookie) ended up in the shelter, but we are grateful we found them both! In Blondie’s habitat, you will typically find her curled up under one of her cozy, fleece blankets, as she loves her long, afternoon naps! Just like Cookie, Blondie loves her greens – especially Dandelion Greens! When holding Blondie, she often curls up under your chin or burrows in the nape of your neck, as she always loves the confines of feeling covered and safe. Blondie is the sweetest girl and enjoys spending time with anyone that loves to cuddle!
December 25, 2005-August 8, 2022
Kenzie, also known as our “Kenz-Penz,” is a one-of-a-kind! Kenzie has the perfect personality blended with loving, kind, quiet, confident, opinionated, and a true leader. As a puppy, Kenzie was not expected to survive, as she was extremely sick after being rescued from Hurricane Katrina. Each day, we waited for better news and hoped that Kenzie would pull through, so she could claim her forever home and happy-ever-after forever life! Finally, the call came that Kenzie pulled through and would survive! Kenzie’s sweet and gentle nature allowed her to be a tremendous Therapy Dog. In fact, Kenzie was exceptional with children, especially children that were scared of dogs. Kenzie had a knack for quelling even the deepest fears of dogs, as everyone instantly fell in-love with Kenzie’s quiet and unobtrusive personality. Kenzie thrived in school settings, where the kids would often read to her. One of Kenzie’s favorite past times is to lull on the front porch in the sun, so, as you can imagine, Kenzie loved the school programs where she was able to lie down next to the kids, relax, and listen to the stories. What a job! Now, Kenzie still enjoys her front porch naps and occasional short strolls. Kenzie is going on 15yrs old, and although she doesn’t get around as much as she used to but still loves life.
September 19, 1999 - April 8, 2014
The true founder of AaTs, Gretyl passed away at the age of 15. She was a pro at therapy work having done it since she was three years old! She was the veteran of our pack and had been to many places during her career. She loved visiting and working with children, adults, and seniors! When she was older, her visits were limited, but she looked forward to them!
Pictured to the left is Chris and Gretyl in their original therapy ID tag from 2002.
March 1, 2006 - March 21, 2019
Emma passed in the Spring at age 13 after a tremendous 10-year career as an AaTs therapy dog. She was a Golden Lab/Collie/Shiba Inu mix. She came to us originally as a foster dog who survived the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina...but never left us! She loved her career but health issues prevented her from working the last six months of her life. She has been missed, but we know she's watching over our pack!
November 3, 2007 - April 27, 2020
Zoey came to us February 2014 as a rescue and was a great addition to our family of wonderful Therapy Dogs. She was 11 years old when she passed in 2020. Zoey was a Rhodesian Ridgeback/Hound/Boxer mix. Before she came to us, she was a registered service dog for her owner who unfortunately passed away. She was trained to be a mobility service dog, offering physical support to her owner. She was kind and sweet, a real "gentle giant". Zoey loved every person and pup she met!
December 25, 2005 - April 14, 2020
One of our three Hurricane Katrina Girls, Kayla (along with her sister, Kenzie) came directly from the aftermath of the devastating hurricane in New Orleans. Left stranded and alone, Kayla was very sick as a puppy. However, Kayla’s incredible determination and willful personality pulled her through, and she was finally able to transport at 5 months old to her forever home with us here in CT! At first, we were not sure that Kayla wanted to participate in therapy work, as she often preferred no work and all play! However, we revisited her training when she was older and found she absolutely loved therapy work and was a true natural! In fact, Kayla earned a “Complex Rating” during her years of therapy work, which means she was at the top of her class for being a therapeutic worker. We have countless, tear-jerking, heart-warming stories of Kayla’s unbelievable intuition and healing powers. To this day, Kayla is able to see more, understand more, and love more than anyone we know. In fact, with the recent passing of some of our older Therapy Dogs, Kayla insisted being present next to them during their passing. Kayla is exceptional in every single way. At 15yrs old, it was hard for Kayla to get around as she used to, but her spirit, will and love for life remained strong – a constant teacher to us all.